BUSINESS WIRE: SES ASTRA Further Extends Its Reach in Europe
For the first time, satellite reaches more households than cable
SES ASTRA, an SES company (Paris:SESG)(LuxX:SESG), announced today that it
has again significantly increased its reach and grown the number of digital
and High Definition TV households on the ASTRA satellite system. SES ASTRA
is now broadcasting to 125 million TV homes across Europe and North Africa,
three million more than the year before. For the first time, satellite
reaches more households than cable in Europe, with 77 million satellite and
71 million cable households. Terrestrial infrastructures reach 86.5 million
households; however, not even half of them (48 percent) are digital.
The digitalisation rate of satellite increased to 92 percent, with a total
of 71 million out of the 77 million satellite households being digital.
Cable still shows the lowest digitalisation rate, with one third or 34
percent (24 million) of all 71 million cable households being digital. IPTV
is – by definition – 100 percent digitalised and reaches nine million
households across Europe.
In High Definition, ASTRA counts around six million HD viewing homes and
currently broadcasts 114 HD channels. The success of HD is underpinned by
the high number of HD screens sold across Europe. 125 million HD Ready TV
sets have been sold since the start of HD in 2005. It is expected that by
2013, an estimated 55 million households will be equipped with both an HD
Ready TV set and a suitable HD receiver. Satellite is expected to remain
the largest distribution platform for HD.
These are the results of the latest SES ASTRA Satellite Monitor, conducted
in 29 European and North African countries, and based on almost 70,000
face-to-face and telephone interviews. The methodology and the results are
controlled by independent institutes and accepted by regulatory bodies as
objective market measurements.
“The significant increase in reach and the success of SES ASTRA are based
on a stable business model and on strong drivers which allow us to develop
our business despite the difficult market situation,” says Ferdinand
Kayser, President and CEO of SES ASTRA. “The underlying dynamics of Western
European key markets, and the growth in Eastern Europe, impressively
demonstrate that we are able to maintain our competitive position and
further develop our reach, in technical and commercial terms. Whether in
HD, hybrid reception or 3D TV, we are extremely well positioned to play a
leading role in future innovations.”
Satellite Monitor figures for year-end 2009 in Europe and North Africa at a
* Total of 244 million analogue and digital TV homes in Europe * ASTRA
fleet reaches 125 million analogue and digital TV households in Europe
and North Africa (57 million Direct-to-Home, 68 million through cable
head-ends) * Around 60 percent or 146 million TV homes receive programs
digitally (includes all reception modes: satellite, cable, terrestrial,
* Satellite serves every second digital TV household and reaches 71
million digital homes (49 percent of the digital market); cable reaches
24 million digital homes (16 percent), terrestrial reaches 41.7 million
digital homes (29 percent), IPTV reaches nine million homes (6
percent). * ASTRA serves 52 million digital satellite homes (72 percent
of all digital satellite homes) * ASTRA currently features 114 HD
channels and reaches around six million HD viewing homes *
Digitalisation rate of satellite is 92 percent, compared to 48 percent for
terrestrial reception and 34 percent for cable networks
To watch the video of yesterday’s press conference on the ASTRA reach
figures, please click on the following link: english/.
SES ASTRA is the leading Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite system in Europe.
The satellite fleet currently comprises 15 satellites. The ASTRA satellite
system delivers services to more than 125 million DTH and cable households
and transmits more than 2,500 analogue and digital television and radio
channels. SES ASTRA also provides satellite-based multimedia, internet and
telecommunication services to enterprises, governments and their agencies.
With more than 100 High Definition (HD) channels on its main orbital
positions, ASTRA represents the most important HDTV platform for Europe's
leading broadcasters. The prime orbital positions for ASTRA are 19.2° East,
28.2° East, 23.5° East, 5° East and 31.5° East.
SES ASTRA is an SES company (Paris:SESG)(LuxX:SESG). SES wholly owns SES
ASTRA and SES WORLD SKIES, as well as participations in Ciel in Canada and
QuetzSat in Mexico. SES provides outstanding satellite communications
solutions via a global fleet of 41 satellites in 26 orbital locations. For
further information:
Kontakt: SES ASTRA Markus Payer + 352 710 725 500
A Berkshire Hathaway Company
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Donnerstag, 18. März 2010
BUSINESS WIRE: SES ASTRA Further Extends Its Reach...
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